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TEN Questions with Sylvia Greif

1. Can you please tell us about yourself and about your book "Ela Green and the Kingdom of Abud"

Answer: Hi, I am Sylvia Greif. I am a writer and animal advocate from Switzerland.
I consider myself a nature lover and i am at my happiest in the great outdoors, playing sports. I enjoy skiing, swimming, horseback riding, athletics and hiking.
I walked part of the Way of St James to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, and I hope to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in the near future.
My passion for the environment and wildlife started when I was a child. I grew up surrounded by pets and since a young age, animals have shaped me more than people.
I have three dogs, BV Shea and Lola.
My other passion alongside writing is music and travelling. I globe-trotted around the world and I’m fluent in five languages.
I started writing in 2013.
In 2014 I released my first children’s book, Lester’s planet, that tells the true story, with a paw of imagination, of a courageous little chihuahua.
Ela Green and the kingdom of Abud is my first novel in a trilogy and was published in 2021.

2. When did you get the thoughts of writing this book? i read the book and it looks fantastic.

Answer: The idea was born in 2015 and I knew it would require hard work, huge discipline, extreme patience and not being crushed every minute by fear of rejection.
I had nailed down the story idea quite easily but it felt like a daunting task. I’m quite chaotic with my thinking and I suffer from dyslexia.
As child i had problems at school. Poor memory, poor spelling and overall low writing qualities that made me struggle. I think I always had a weird relationship with words and books somehow terrified me. 

3. What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?
Answer: Although Ela Green is a fiction for YA , the book brings to light certain historical events and introduces notions of time and space and fundamental physics like the String theory that I had to research. I also explored Norse mythology and Egyptology.
I read a few beautiful stories about trees and I learned amazing things about them. How they grow, interact, help and protect each other, how they feel and how they respond to touch. You know, It’s really quite amazing.
I also wanted to highlight how important, how essential nature is to human beings.

4. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

Answer: First and foremost perseverance, I thought of quitting a million times. The amazing power of imagination is also something that surprised me, as being pushed out of my comfort zone and the editing process!

5. Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

Answer: Ela green and the Kingdom of Abud is book one of a trilogy so I would hope to succeed in building a connection to each book.

6. What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?

Answer: The first time I heard  the word “No!” I have to admit :) that since I was a child I always felt a bit like a rebel, a nonconformist.

7. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?

Answer: Not so much. I try not to focus on reviews but one of my greatest moments was when a reader discussed one of the scenes of my book.
Someone else for  example got upset because the book ended on a cliffhanger. As a writer you want to get a reaction from your reader. I really try to take every critic as something positive, so that I can produce better writing.

8. How would you express your journey as an Author? How many books you are going to public this year?

Answer: Writing has been a consistent thread in my life since 2013.
I also enjoy writing lyrics and poems.
I’m in the midst of writing Book 2 of the trilogy, so this will keep me busy until 2023.

9. What other things do you love than this writing?
Answer: I love music, traveling around the world and my dogs.

10. And last, What advice do you have for writers?
Answer: “Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real.”
Jules Vernes

Book Review Link - Click here!

Link to buy this Book - Click here!

Author Instagram page - Click here!


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