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TEN Questions with Sarah Dickens

1. Can you please introduce yourself and tell us something about your book "A Victory Song: Beneath The Veil"
Answer: My name is Sarah Dickens and I am the author of the book, "A Victory Song: Beneath the Veil." My book, "A Victory Song: Beneath the Veil," is a published memoir filled with messages of hope and compassion. It is a story about how I became diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a mental illness, and the trials and hardships that I faced as a result of having a mental health diagnosis. I talk about topics relatable to young adults, particularly teenagers, in regards to seasonal friendships, my relationship with my mother, and my relationship with my ex-boyfriend and how these hardships that I faced strengthened my relationship and faith in God as well as made me more reliant on Him through my mental health diagnosis. There is an Introduction, eleven chapters, and Acknowledgements section of my book. 

2. When did you get the thoughts of writing this book? blurb looks fantastic.
Answer: I was inspired from my own life experiences in my own relationship and walk with God and in the struggles that I faced pertaining to my bipolar disorder diagnosis. I wanted to provide a hopeful perspective to my readers as well as to encourage them through the powerful words and the power through my testimony that they are not alone and that God can be their Greatest Ally and Companion through the hard times and hardships that they face if they let Him be so like I did in my story. 

3. What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?
Answer: I researched a mental health organization, read books on mental health and Christianity before publishing this book, and did a lot of research on Scripture from the Bible, the book for Christianity. It took me about six months to one year to do this research because I had to decide as I did the research what research worked and would not work for my book that would apply to my readers and make it applicable to them, especially on the topic of mental health. I wanted to also draw readers in with Scripture from the Bible and make it applicable to mental illness since my book is about the hardships that I faced, from a Christian's point of view, from my mental illness. 

4. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
Answer: I was surprised in how much power that my words carry in my book. I did not believe that writing this memoir would be a powerful experience for me since my story is very powerful through the life experiences that I share pertaining to the hardships that I face with my mental illness and from my relationship and walk with God. As a result, I now believe that I can write more books like this one from the same and similar perspective of power for my readers. 

5. Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?
Answer: That is a good question. I am currently in the process of writing another book that is a continuation of this book. At the end of my first book, I write, "To be continued...," in order to  keep readers with suspense for what happens in my life next and make them want to buy and read the next book. It is unknown when the next book will come out, but I will be sure to keep my readers updated on social media platforms so that they know how and when to purchase their copy of the next book.

6. How many books you are going to launch this year? and which is your favourite genre?
Answer: As I previously explained, I am in the process of writing another book. It is unknown when it will be released although I am already on the third chapter of writing it. I will be sure to let my readers know through social media platforms once I know when it will be released. My favorite genre of book writing is Christiian nonfiction because I can get advice from these types of books that I read and apply them to my own life, from the Christian author's viewpoint, as I immerse myself in his or her writing. In that way, I grow spiritually in my walk with God as well as my faith.  

7. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
Answer: I hear from my readers all of the time. A few days ago, a reader messaged me on Instagram and told me that he was very motivated by my book and found it to be amazing. It also helped him in many ways. It is statements like these that my readers say to me that keep me inspired and want to keep on writing because they press me to want to continue on to function in my calling, as an author, and to write.

8. How would you express your journey as an Author?
Answer: It has been quite a process, taking four long years to complete. It has always been a dream of mine to become an author since I was in Kindergarten and I had to trust God in the process as I had faith and believed that my dream to become an author would come to pass and it did. I did not think it would happen and it was hard for me to believe it when it actually happened. As a result, I am thankful and grateful for this process because it molded me into the author that I am today. 

9. What other things do you love than this writing?
Answer: I love drawing, painting, and especially taking walks with nature. Taking walks with nature is very therapeutic for me, as a future counselor since I am currently in school right now studying to become a counselor and helps me to spend deeper time with God as I de-stress and make time for myself by taking these nature walks. It is altogether very enjoyable, relaxing, and pleasant for me!  

10. And last, What advice do you have for writers?
Answer: Always vividly describe your characters and scenes in your books. In that way, your readers will be drawn and want to continue in reading the book that he or she is currently reading and read future books that you intend to write. Readers remember you, as the author, when you vividly describe the characters and scenes in your book because then, they can identify with them and you, as the author of the book.

Book Review Link - Click here!

Link to buy this Book - Click here!

Author Instagram page - Click here!


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