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TEN Questions with Michelle Simpson

1. Can you please introduce yourself and tell us something about your book "A Time of Reckoning"
Answer: Hi there! My name is Michelle & I reside in New England, just outside of historical Boston, Massachusetts. When I am not writing, I have been in a successful career as an Operations Director within healthcare fields, primarily optometry & opticianry. 

I have always enjoyed reading & writing, & when I began A Time of Reckoning my primary thought was to create a really "big" book that would draw people into a time period I enjoy, while including elements of family struggles, impossible choices, love, romance & enough action to want to keep the pages turning. It was important for me to tell a story with strong female characters. These women, sisters, are very different, & how they each see the world is what sets the stage for the conflict that is throughout the story. Women in power, in a time when women were considered insignificant, is not a way I have lived, but it is how many women lived, and still live. 
2. When did you get the thoughts of writing this book? blurb looks fantastic.
Answer: It was a decade ago. I would write with the intention of simply writing, for myself, & to finish. Then I began to think, "what if." What if I could publish, what if people would read it, what if I was no longer fearful of putting myself out there. All the "what ifs" had really positive endings, so I wrote it, re-wrote it, & finished it. Then I put it away, and took it out, & made some changes, & here we are now. The story was meaningful, that big, winding story that could take my lead character through many obstacles that, ultimately, helped her grow into what she needed to be to succeed in her realm.

3. What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?
Answer: The research does take a bit. Lots of online searches, and fact checking, to be certain I was not "wrong" with some historical accounting. What was great about the time period I wrote in, was that it allowed me some creative liberties. There were gaps in recordings during this time, and so many kings & rulers were present that when a trail went dry, I would input what made the most sense. It was done in a way that always honored the beautiful history of the time & place.

Research, in my experience, is throughout the process of bringing the book into being.

4. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
Answer: I was surprised at how obsessive I could be with editing, and re-editing, and re-writing. It always felt, to me, that it could be better, or I could write from a different angle. I learned it was okay to relax, and step away to clear my head, & not to be so hard on myself. I also learned how much fun it could be, when looking & reading my chapters, to write from different perspectives. I do this throughout my books. I learned this from another writer. Writing as all of the main characters allowed me to be different people, not like myself, and it was freeing in a sense.

Last thing I learned, and am still learning, actually, is patience. It takes time. 

5. Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?
Answer: There are 3 books in the series. Book One: Betrayals & Book Two: The Reckoning are complete. I toyed with leaving it as one big book at a point in time, but decided a series would tell the story better. Book Three has a structure now, but is still in my head, & I plan to write & release before 2023 is over. Each book will be connected to the other to complete the story. If people want more of these characters that is a real possibility, as the changes & challenges within the time period are only the beginning of what the Irish people would experience with, basically, their world changing when the Vikings begin to raid from the North.

6. How many book you are going to launch this year? and which is your favourite genre?
Answer: Two books this year. Book Two: The Reckoning, will be released before October 31st this year. I am thinking 10/1/22. 

Gosh, my favorite genre is hard. If I had to pick, it is historical fiction with fantasy elements. I love action, with strong female characters. I love contemporary Best Sellers, too. Gothic romance can be great as well as a really good, haunting ghost story. The only genre I tend to stay away from is Crime, or court dramas.

7. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
Answer: This is new to me, so I have not heard much, yet, from my readers, but I am open to it, and would love it! Reviews are now starting to come in, & I am grateful for the feedback. I hope to build a bigger platform to create some meaningful conversations, & to improve my writing craft, always.

8. How would you express your journey as an Author?
Answer: Tentative, & slow. While the books are new releases, I have always been writing. I have a couple magazine articles published within the past decade on subjects that mattered to me. I also write my company's bi-weekly newsletter, which keeps my writing muscles on point. I think it came down to gaining confidence, & silencing the voices that would tell me negative things. I am a "glass half-full" kind of lady, and being positive will tend to outweigh being negative, & I realized by not trying, I was doing myself a disservice. So yeah, my journey has been tentative, while gaining confidence.

9. What other things do you love than this writing?
Answer: I love anything & everything fitness related! Biking, hiking, yoga, boxing & have just started golfing. My day starts with physical activity. I also love traveling. I want to get to as many places, & countries that I am able to. I also love to cook, am a self-professed wine snob (LOL) & can make some of the best homemade guacamole. (I really enjoy Mexican food.) I am also a foster volunteer for dogs in need, partnering with an amazing company here. We open our home to dogs waiting to be adopted. 

10. And last, What advice do you have for writers?
Answer: Be patient with yourself. Do not listen to inner voices that tell you "you can't, or shouldn't." You CAN! I also think it makes sense to get into local writing groups, & have your work read, & reviewed so you can gain other perspectives. It is helpful for sure.

Book Review Link - Click here!

Link to buy this Book - Click here!

Author Instagram page - Click here!

About the Author

Michelle lives in the Boston, MA area and enjoys anything and everything fitness related, cooking, and traveling. Favorite cities (so far) are London and Montreal. Also an avid animal lover and movie fan.


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